All Options
Closer Look
25 sq ft
(5’ x 5’)
Personal items, clothes, boxes, skis, children’s toys, small furniture items, business records and sales rep materials.
50 sq ft
(5’ x 10’)
Small amounts of furniture, sofas, chairs, chest of drawers, boxspring and mattress, business supplies and records. Plus other small items and boxes.
100 sq ft
(10′ X 10′)
One-bedroom apartment with major appliances, other furniture and supplies.
150 sq ft
(10’ x 15’)
A large one bedroom apartment or house, including appliances, boxes and miscellaneous items and commercial storage inventory.
200 sq ft
(10’ x 20’)
A three-bedroom house with major appliances, plus lots of boxes. Business storage files and inventory ideal for storage racks.
300 sq ft
(10’ x 30’)
A three-bedroom house with major appliances, plus lots of boxes. Business storage files and inventory ideal for storage racks.
400 sq ft
(10’ x 40’)
A three-bedroom house with major appliances, plus lots of boxes. Business storage files and inventory ideal for storage racks.
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I access my belongings?
7:00am – 9:00pm Daily
How long is the lease term?
We offer month to month rental periods. Please keep in mind we offer rental discounts for long term storage needs based on a prepaid plan.
What payment methods are accepted?
We accept walk-in payments and through mail, check, cash and credit cards.
What security is available at your facility?
We offer the highest security by having on-site Resident Managers who continuously monitor the property. We also offer no climb security fencing, electronic gate access control systems, and cameras monitoring the premises.
Do you offer insurance?
We recommend checking with your homeowners / renters insurance or we can recommend a third party insurance company.
Do you sell moving supplies?
We do not stock moving supplies, however you can visit Moving Boxes USA, and place an order for all your supplies and have them shipped directly to you.